




Tanya Alexova


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В Telegram попаднах на следната стряскаща информация: Military WIRES >]; Russian, German & Italian CABLES>];_Are all sharing the same information that NATO , U.S. CIA IS PLANNING A>  * FALSE FLAG EVENT IN EITHER THE BLACK SEA OR THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA  and [ Their] plan is to sink a U.S. NAVAL SHIP AND KILL THEIR OWN U.S. SOLDIERS AND BLAME RUSSIA FOR THE ATTACKS OR THE MUSLIM NATIONS .> This FALSE FLAG EVENT IS MEANT TO SET OFF WORLD WAR 3 AND HEAD INTO NUCLEAR EVENTS _CURRENTLY WHITE HATS Have activated media sources inside of the U.S. , Europe and Russia to bring acknowledgement to these PLANNED deep state FALSE FLAG OPS /_We expect Tucker Carlson. Musk . X , Russian media and EU white hats media and several world conservative news outlets to drop the story of NATO planning these FALSE FLAG operations ___Remember World Patriots, the deep state is playing their final cards >Stop U.S. elections >Create civil war >Create WW3>Another PANDEMIC ( VIRUS) >Alien invasion card >Cyber attack blackouts >CONTROLLED EMP ATTACK and blame the sun for massive blackouts As we come closer to the TRUTH and exposure,,,.. The more unreal it will all become ( especially to the sleeping sheep and normies)...The TRUTH is so unbelievable that it discredits it's self... And the CIA knows this _Share this information on the PLANNED NATO U.S FALSE FLAG OPS TO SINK A U.S. SHIP AND BLAME RUSSIA TO TRY AND CREATE A 911 LIKE EVENT TO FALSELY RALLY AMERICANS TO WAR. The more the information comes out a

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Telegram – a new era of messaging

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Някой да ви е питал, дали искате Digital ID??!!??

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Димитър Недков...гениални разсъждения!

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Винаги си струва да чуете Валентин Вацев...при Консервите...

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Интересна информация за финансовата система...

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Само за последователи на Теория на конспирацията.