Wed Nov 22 2023 | 21 Следващи Последвай

In the beginning was the word…

We have ignorantly come to regard language as a mere form of communication, but words are much more than that.

When spoken, not only do they carry specific transformative frequencies, they have power, real, creative power.

Thoughts are the testing ground but the spoken word is our command. That which we repeatedly say becomes our reality, so use words wisely.

Scientist have proven how words affect the molecular composition of water; loving words make stunning geometric patterns, whereas nasty words create distorted, deformed patterns.

Our heart is made up of 80% water, so imagine how words can affect and transform us.

The power of words, however, is not just how they can affect us mentally and physically, the power lies in the fact that they can affect the ‘field’ itself; they affect the web of energy that holds this universe together.

That is where our words have creative power, that is where they become the command to manifestation.

We have lost all sense of our human capabilities and through centuries of indoctrination and deceit have come to accept a distorted understanding of who we are.

We think of ourselves as insignificant, defenseless creatures with no say in our individual or collective future, but I remember we were once told that we were created in the image of the Creator, in other words, we were created with the power to create. And how do we begin to create? With words. Words are the beginning of creation.

Wed Nov 22 2023 | 21 Следващи
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